PressONE.PH’s mission is to provide OPINION and NEWS that EMPOWER readers and help make sense of the digital and interconnected world…

Why Washington cannot afford to pause military aid to Manila
At this point, the US cannot afford to pause its military aid program to the Philippines, just like in Egypt and Israel where the US wanted to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.
How important is India to the US in containing China?
Like the Philippines, its differences with China over the South China Sea are the total of the two nations’ relationship.
China’s freedom of navigation operations patrols
China is attempting to create a buffer zone in the South China Sea, militarizing artificial islands to keep away the US and its allies from patrolling the strategic waterway where about $3 trillion worth of annual trade passes.
Jobs, not cash assistance
Stop making the people beg. Give them decent jobs.
JD Constantino, shining star, goes into the Light
She was 50 years a Carmelite nun. JD Constantino was one of the most brilliant gems this country had ever produced.
The last magnificent moral compass
Rene Saguisag had a way with words that appealed to both the high brow and the masa. Yet he never used this to smooth-talk his way as traditional politicians do, but to allure the Filipino to have a romance with the law. He was an anti-politician politician, as a...
EDSA in Luneta?
But let them have the streets of EDSA. We can pray at the Luneta where we yearly pray with the Poong Nazareno and where we prayed in the millions with Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis.
The visit of Ursula von der Leyen to Manila
Can the Marcos Jr. government, which deems itself beholden to Duterte popularity for winning the 2022 election race, navigate itself through the EU by invoking the two conditionalities as non-negotiables?
Not just a sideshow!
Many are hooked to their TV sets or social media screens. But it’s not a new Korean telenovela that is sweeping the country. Rather, they are the relentless daily hearings being conducted in both chambers of Congress.
Requiem for an exemplary Catholic layman
Attorney Ramon Pedrosa was certainly a giant of a man. Despite his modesty and humility. A short tribute like this would fail to give justice to his life and works, but his life-story as a devout Catholic and Filipino patriot needs to be told.
To Infinity and Beyond
Since the release of Dignita Infinita last April 8, 2024, there have been mixed reactions. As mentioned, while the conservative sectors of the Catholic Church have hailed it, the progressive ones have seen it as a setback. Let the conversations begin.
The green and red flags of basketball varsity recruitment
In today’s basketball landscape in schools, colleges, and universities, many factors come into play, like the school’s tradition and values, the coach, his basketball and values system, and team sponsors and benefactors.
Samboy Lim’s greatest lesson
He taught with passion especially to those who needed more attention in polishing their skills. Samboy was a generous teacher because he taught his students everything he knew about playing the game at the highest level.
UST still doing it right in managing its basketball program
Over the weekend, a Facebook fan page called “The Growling Tigers of UST” posted its sentiments on how the University of Santo Tomas (UST) should manage it men’s basketball team. This was after the Growling Tigers, now under the guidance of Thomasian basketball great...
Free (basketball) world, free trade
At this point, the option to leave is very tempting because what they have inside their backyard is not the best. And we live in a free world. The best provider of the food on the table at the end of day will always be the best option.
Jobs, not cash assistance
Stop making the people beg. Give them decent jobs.
Preparing for war
Together with the Army and the Air Force, the US Navy has been upgrading its capability to increase deterrence and discourage China from its plan to invade Taiwan by 2027.
Let’s talk about ‘malice’
This manipulation and exploitation of our legal system has got to stop. Power to abuse is the very essence of abuse of power. The Constitution is not a piece of clay that one can shape or bend to follow an official’s sinister purpose.

The Critical Issues the Church Faces
In season or out of season, the leadership as well as the members of the Church – whether bishops, clergy, religious and laity – cannot abandon their mission as prophetic conscience and servants of the people and society in general. In spite of perceived powerlessness and declining influence, the Church has an important role in bringing about social transformation as the nation find itself in a long dark night.
Why did priests and religious vote for Duterte?
After celebrating the fourth anniversary of presidential inauguration, Duterte should be thankful to the 16 million Filipinos who voted for him.
Invisible Army
The unseen enemy is targeting the top brass.
From solons who granted him more power & money
We are one, despite our differences
In the name of God and country, we must allow the incoming administration, whatever we think of it, to perform or fail, according to its real merits. Accompanied by our religious, moral and political leaders, we must try to lift our society from any false need to judge one another unkindly because of our political or other human differences.
A conflict-averse president? Part II
If BBM’s political enemies have not given up, and if they have assessed him to be “conflict-averse”, they might be tempted to recreate the scenario against his dad.
A conflict-averse president?
The winners in the May 9 elections have not been officially proclaimed, but world leaders have already recognized former Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. as the 17th president of the Philippines. US President Joe Biden is the first one to extend such recognition. China’s President Xi Jinping and others have followed.

Jobs, not cash assistance
Stop making the people beg. Give them decent jobs.
Preparing for war
Together with the Army and the Air Force, the US Navy has been upgrading its capability to increase deterrence and discourage China from its plan to invade Taiwan by 2027.
For a renewed reverence at Mass: a reminder on some neglected gestures of adoration and reverence during the celebration of Holy Mass
As the COVID pandemic of 2020-2023 recedes into history and as Filipino Catholics go back to attending Sunday Mass in person, it is doubly important for the faithful to be re-catechized on the basics of showing reverence for the Eucharist.

SHIT in the time of COVID
The following was forwarded to me, and instead of trashing it because of its title and its unknown origin (although its references are mostly Christian), I gave it a chance—and I am thankful I did.
‘My daughter is a lesbian’
“No matter how carefully we raise our children, we come to the point when we have to surrender control as parents. Their life is now their own to live. Especially their love life. But although we shouldn’t pick love partners for them, we can always remind them to always nurture their Friendship with God.”
A letter lights a candle in the dark
Sometimes my email inbox yields something so precious that I feel it must reach as many eyes and ears as possible. One example is this one sent to me by my dear nuns at the Sœurs de la FamilleMissionnaire de Notre-Dame convent in Cannes, France.

Dream on Philippines
Another raging issue has hit the homeland – the conviction for libel of Maria Ressa of Rappler.
As I write this, I am grateful to all of those who have expressed concerns and offered prayers for our safety.
Patron of statesmen and politicians
One of the gaps in our troubled world today is the lack of role models, those who embody the ideals of what we would like to be, or what we could become as individuals and as a nation. Perhaps, this gap is most felt in the field of government and politics.

Again, the issue on the Separation of Church and State
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) came out with A Pastoral Letter and A Call to Prayer on July 16 appealing to the Filipinos to pray for the country because of the threat of abuses to freedom due to the signing of the Anti-Terrorism Law on July 3.
We shall overcome
These past few weeks, we have been mercilessly punched by adversaries. The Covid infection has been rising in the country.
The IATF came out with a recent decision that set the parameters for activities for the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) and the Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ).

Checkpoints, food chains and the frontlines
Checkpoints are not new. Vehicles or persons are generally allowed to pass through these checkpoints after a customary visual inspection and answering a few questions, or more recently, upon presentment of quarantine passes.
The consumer protection law during pandemics and public emergencies
It is hoped that the government will really strike a balance between consumers and manufacturers. This is not the best time to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of each one. It is time to take this seriously and responsibly.
Traditional fishing rights and vulnerabilities
Traditional fishing rights (TFR) is one of the notable mentions of the President in his recent State of the Nation Address.