JOEL PABLO SALUD is the author of several books of political nonfiction. He has sat for 11 years as editor-in-chief of one of the country’s foremost newsweekly and literary magazines and is currently the chair of the Writers in Prison Committee of PEN Philippines.
Jobs, not cash assistance
Stop making the people beg. Give them decent jobs.
Preparing for war
Together with the Army and the Air Force, the US Navy has been upgrading its capability to increase deterrence and discourage China from its plan to invade Taiwan by 2027.
Let’s talk about ‘malice’
This manipulation and exploitation of our legal system has got to stop. Power to abuse is the very essence of abuse of power. The Constitution is not a piece of clay that one can shape or bend to follow an official’s sinister purpose.
Does he have what it takes?
The designation “President” does not assure anyone that business will come running to the one bearing the title. Business leaders can smell leaders who know their business. Making a quick buck is easy. It’s making a difference in life and in business that makes the work truly mind-blowing.
Coup d’état: The elephant in the chatroom
Chatrooms rife with rumors of a military coup. That was last week.