Jul 16, 2021 | First things first, Opinion
In less than twelve months, Rodrigo Duterte will be stepping down as the sixteenth president of the Philippines. He will have spent six years trying, among other things, to change the course of history between the Philippines and the United States, China and the rest of the world. Has he succeeded or failed? The jury is still out.
Jun 4, 2021 | First things first, Opinion
These, I think, are some of the first things that should be done to make our flawed elections—and our floundering democracy—work. Therefore, instead of simply calling on our Lord to lead good and honest “servant leaders” into the light, I believe we should all try to do the smallest things each of us can do to produce, first of all, an electoral system that will help manifest our genuine faith in God and in ourselves, as we seek to establish a just, honest and truly humane government.
Apr 9, 2021 | First things first, Opinion
The world is now on its second year of the coronavirus pandemic. More than a couple of million people have died, and so many millions more have been infected, but the end is still nowhere in sight. Physical survival remains the single common concern of all, yet mere...
Mar 15, 2020 | First things first, Opinion
I don’t believe the situation can be improved by shutting down our churches and suspending the celebration of the Holy Mass for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis. We need the Church to pray more, not less.
Mar 11, 2020 | First things first, Opinion
Whether we are looking at the councilors or the congressmen today, what we are seeing is simply a portent of bigger things to come.