Nov 30, 2021 | Nation
Senator Richard J. Gordon urged the government to reconsider its decision barring Filipino journalist Maria Ressa to personally receive her Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway scheduled on Dec. 10.
Oct 6, 2021 | Top Stories
President Rodrigo on Sept. 22, 2021 claimed Sen. Richard Gordon could not be a senator and chairman of the Philippine Red Cross at the same time. The Supreme Court however had settled the matter of Gordon’s two positions way back in 2009.
Sep 26, 2021 | Podcast
Nakailang hearing na ang Senado tungkol sa mga isyung kinasasangkutan ng Department of Health at ng Procurement Service ng Department of Budget and Management o PS-DBM.
Jan 5, 2021 | Nation
Sen. Richard Gordon earlier said that saliva-based tests were less expensive, faster and 99-percent effective.
Nov 12, 2020 | Top Stories
Gordon said climate change has heightened the strength of typhoons hitting the country, prompting for a more interactive and intensive government response.