We have been taught in CFC to live out our faith, to consider our faith as an integral part of our being, not merely as a separate compartment of our life. Our faith is not to be observed only for an hour every Sunday, but something that should affect and even govern our life every single day. CFC exhorts us to put God at the center of our life, not to simply be discarded away when it is not convenient or when doing so does not serve our purpose for the moment.
On this basis, our faith should also be right there in the center of the exercise of our various rights and responsibilities as citizens of our country. We should thus look at the coming elections from the eyes of faith. What is your faith telling you about who to vote for in this coming elections? If your vote is not consistent with your faith, there is no integrity in that vote. Of course, one is not perfect nor can claim knowing everything about a certain candidate. We should simply do our best availing ourselves of whatever information is available, and exercise our judgment.
There are those who say we should be silent and not judge, even quoting Jesus in Scripture. I say we should look at the context of the words of Jesus and even consider the totality of his actuations in the Gospels. Jesus did call out the wrongs when he saw them. He just did not stay silent. He called out the money changers and the merchants who were desecrating the temple. He called out the Pharisees because they were not doing what they were preaching. As Christians, we should follow the example of Jesus, and not just stay silent when we see or hear something seriously wrong in society.
I now say, in my personal capacity, not representing CFC, that I find it inconsistent with my faith to support candidates who are corrupt, especially those who have been jailed because of that. I find it inconsistent with my faith to support candidates who advocate extrajudicial killings and support the death penalty. I find it inconsistent with my faith to support candidates who advocate against church teachings on marriage and family. And I find it inconsistent with my faith to support candidates who agree or does not object to a President who has insulted my faith and have asked for the killings of our bishops.
I pray that other Catholics and Christians think deeply about the exercise of their sacred duty to participate in this coming elections and hopefully consider the points I have raised above.
I expect that some will disagree with this stand. I respect those who have contrary views, but as for me, it is no longer time to be quiet. It is time to shout out and live out my faith.