President Rodrigo Duterte has institutionalized the acceptance of the Philippine National ID System (PhilSys) as proof of identity and age in all government and private transactions.

Duterte, in Executive Order 162 that was released to the public on Wednesday, said there was an “urgent need” to institutionalize the acceptance of the national ID and PhilSys number to improve efficiency in the delivery of social services, strengthen financial inclusion and promote ease of doing business.

“In line with the policy under the [Philippine Identification System Act], an individual’s record in the PhilSys shall be considered as sufficient proof of identity and age in all public and private transactions,” the order read.

“Unless otherwise provided by law, the presentation of the PhilID, PSN or PSN Derivative, as authenticated, shall be sufficient proof of identification and of all other personal details stated therein, without need for presentation of other identification documents,” it added.

Duterte also directed covered agencies to integrate the components and accommodate the features of PhilSys, especially in their citizen’s charters.

Duterte signed into law Republic Act No. 11055, or the PhilSys Act, in August 2018.

It sought to establish a single national identification system for all citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines and make the delivery of public and social services more efficient and transparent.

It was also intended to “reduce corruption and curtail bureaucratic red tape” to avert fraudulent transactions and to promote ease of doing business.

The Philippine Statistics Authority is mandated to lead the PhilSys, with support from a policy and coordination board composed of the National Economic and Development Authority and other government agencies. John Ezekiel J. Hirro