Jan 25, 2023 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
This manipulation and exploitation of our legal system has got to stop. Power to abuse is the very essence of abuse of power. The Constitution is not a piece of clay that one can shape or bend to follow an official’s sinister purpose.
Jan 18, 2023 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
The designation “President” does not assure anyone that business will come running to the one bearing the title. Business leaders can smell leaders who know their business. Making a quick buck is easy. It’s making a difference in life and in business that makes the work truly mind-blowing.
Jan 11, 2023 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
Chatrooms rife with rumors of a military coup. That was last week.
Jan 3, 2023 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
For one, a huge amount of money is spent on these systems. How and why the systems fail so miserably and at the most unholy hour – New Year’s Day, for cryin’ out loud – is a question we must insist on being answered. As truthfully as they can make it. Crisis management BS we don’t need.
Dec 28, 2022 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
These resolutions scare the chitterlings out of me. Honestly. The writing life isn’t exactly a walk in the park.
Dec 21, 2022 | Opinion, Quote Unquote
I’m no gizmo whiz. But if there is one thing I understand about artificial intelligence, it is this: Algorithmic extrapolation can hardly qualify as artistic inspiration.